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Dentures in Mira Mesa

Education and access to dental care has substantially increased in recent years, and there has been significant progress in people who have been able to retain their teeth, sometimes for a lifetime. Still, tooth loss is very commonplace with genetic factors, unforeseen accidents, and dental decay occurring even when optimal oral health care is received. 

Dentures are a reliable dental restoration to replace missing teeth, and Dr. Shin Ahn of Boston Dental Group in Mira Mesa has expertise in designing them to restore function and aesthetics to your smile. Boston Dental Group provides compassionate and expert care that returns normalcy to your smile.

Customized Dentures for Natural Smiles 

Whether you are missing several teeth, or a full arch of teeth, dentures can fill the gaps in your smile. Consisting of gum colored acrylic and pearly white porcelain crowns, dentures are lifelike and lustrous. They return chewing force and enable proper pronunciation as well. 

With full-arch dentures, patients can collaborate with their dentist in designing them to complement their unique facial features and suit their personal aesthetic tastes.

Different Denture Options

There are four different types of dentures to restore function and beauty to your smile:

  • Partial dentures are removable and remain anchored to your smile with metal clasps that hook onto neighboring teeth. They can be designed to replace a row of teeth or several missing intermittent teeth either in the upper or lower bite.  
  • Complete dentures replace a full arch of teeth and are secured to the gums using an adhesive paste and natural suction. They can be customized to flatter your features and they restore many of the functions of natural teeth. 
  • All-on-4 is a procedure that secures a full arch denture onto only four dental implant posts, which expedites healing time. In many cases, our dentist can retrofit existing dentures to fit onto implant posts.
  • Overdentures are removable and clip onto implant posts. When dentures use implant posts to remain secure, the health of the jaw bone is preserved. 

Dentures Require Time for Adjustments and Healing

Removable dentures often require several adjustments to ensure your comfort and modify their fit onto your gums. Dentures that rely on implant posts also require time for the bone to heal after the implant posts have been placed. Dr. Ahn will help you every step of the way in making sure your dentures are comfortable and functional. 

Dr. Shin Ahn for Beautiful, Functional, and Comfortable Dentures

Contact Boston Dental Group to learn more about the ways dentures can give you a beautiful smile and allow you to eat and speak normally. Located in Mira Mesa, Dr. Shin Ahn provides quality dental care with a compassionate manner. 

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