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Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery in Mira Mesa

There are times when the health of your smile is best served with intervention from an oral surgeon. Changes to the bite system may be necessary to extract impacted teeth, place dental implants, or restore periodontal health to your gums. Oral surgery demands a skillset that not all dentists possess. 

At Boston Dental Group, Dr. Shin Anh has advanced training as a prosthodontist to meet the surgical needs of oral health in patients. He provides complex care to people living throughout San Diego county. 

Oral Surgery to Protect Teeth and Gums 

Although oral surgery sounds threatening, when done gently and expertly with proper anesthesia, it is like any other dental treatment. With expert training in maxillofacial anatomy, Dr. Anh provides safe oral surgery to treat various dental conditions, such as:

  • Periodontal care eliminates bacteria, plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to infection, gum disease and loosen teeth. 
  • Root canal therapy treats teeth that have deep cavities where bacteria have infected the tooth’s inner chamber. Root canals remove the infection to preserve the tooth and its function.
  • Extractions for impacted teeth are necessary when a tooth fails to fully erupt and remains impacted in the gums. Impacted teeth can increase chances of infection, and cause overcrowding, misalignment, and malocclusion.
  • Extractions for badly damaged or infected teeth are necessary to treat issues either from an accident or tooth decay that has damaged the tooth and its root beyond repair. Extraction prevents infection from spreading to other teeth and throughout the body.
  • Bone grafting is sometimes needed before the placement of dental implants. The jaw bone begins to shrink after tooth loss, leaving it too small and weak to support implant posts. A bone graft adds volume and protects the sinus cavity. 
  • Dental implant placement is the first step to restoring teeth with dental implants in Mira Mesa. These posts are strategically and precisely placed into the jaw, with the soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bone depth taken into consideration. 

Gentle Care with Oral Surgery at Boston Dental Group

When your oral health is in need of surgical attention, Dr. Shin Ahn provides the expert and compassionate care you need to restore a functional and beautiful smile. Serving patients throughout San Diego, give Boston Dental Group a call.

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